- Order number: A905
"The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green, and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green, and blue." - Wikipedia
These rings have 5050 RGB LED chips that allow you to use any colour you want. As can be seen in pictures, this kit comes with 4 rings, 1 controller box and a 24 key remote control (battery included).
Controller box has IR input sensor and detects commands from the remote control. Remote control has 16 colours. Each colour has 8 brightness levels, which gives you 16 x 8 = 128 shades of colours. However, WHITE colour is not pure white as it is made of 3 colours (Red Green and BLUE) and is slightly blewish as seen in pictures.
"FLASH", "STROBE", "FADE" and "SMOOTH" functions allow you to run through colours in different ways for a beautiful SHOW-OFF effect.
Produced to the highest standards. Once fitted, these kits are very durable and will not damage or melt any headlight assembly.
Fully visible during daytime and glow bright at night.
They create a whole new look to your car!
- High brightness & low consumption -
- Over 50000 hours lifespan -
- Water proof -
- Shock proof -
- High heat resistant -
- Easy installation -
- Super 5050 RGB SMD LED (Red-Green-Blue Surface-Mount-Device Light-Emitting-Diode) -
- 100% computer error free -
Package comes with 4 RGB LED Angel Eyes rings, 1 controller box + IR receiver, 24 key remote control (battery included)
For models:
This kit is a complete DIY and if you don't know how to install it, please contact us and we shall send you a step-by-step installation guide for FREE!